Clouds, oceans, and ecologies
Published: Thu, 02/10/11
Hello,, from NHERI. I made it all the way through, with a lot of work, some agreement, and a lot of disbelief. The academic writes of clouds, oceans,…
National Home Education Research Institute
Published: Thu, 02/10/11
Hello,, from NHERI. I made it all the way through, with a lot of work, some agreement, and a lot of disbelief. The academic writes of clouds, oceans,…
Published: Fri, 01/21/11
Hello,, from NHERI. Have you been planning to send your child to college to learn critical thinking skills? You had better think twice, or thrice. A…
Published: Thu, 01/13/11
Hello,, from NHERI. It provides perfect cover for the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) and others who are confused or devious on the issue. Sue a…
Published: Tue, 01/04/11
Hello,, from NHERI. We released a new study today! It is entitled, 2.04 Million Homeschool Students in the United States in 2010. Many have wondered…
Published: Wed, 12/22/10
Hello,, from NHERI. I am on a home-education research e-mail list with participants from all over the world. I heard this week about a situation in…
Published: Fri, 12/17/10
Hello,, from NHERI. It might be rather quiet in a lot of academic places right now, for the "holiday" vacation, but both good and devious ideas march…
Published: Thu, 12/09/10
Hello,, from NHERI. Parents in Canada (and a few other nations) might as well send their children to institutional schools if their education,…
Published: Thu, 12/02/10
Hello,, from NHERI. Advocates of private-school education and educational freedom, do you care? Homeschool advocates have been vigorously fighting…
Published: Wed, 11/24/10
Dear, We are, with your help, vigorously moving ahead here at the National Home Education Research Institute, while educating and influencing people…
Published: Fri, 10/15/10
Hello,, from NHERI. I recently gave you some nuggets from Dr. Michael Cole's article entitled, "What's Culture Got to Do With It? Educational Research…