Ahead of modern homeschoolers
Published: Tue, 09/14/10
Hello,, from NHERI. Sometimes the current homeschool community thinks it is fresh and cutting edge with ideas. And sometimes it is correct. I think,…
National Home Education Research Institute
Published: Tue, 09/14/10
Hello,, from NHERI. Sometimes the current homeschool community thinks it is fresh and cutting edge with ideas. And sometimes it is correct. I think,…
Published: Fri, 09/03/10
Hello,, from NHERI. Sometimes gems arise in academics' articles on schooling. I have bumped into one. Dr. Michael Cole presents us with his insightful…
Published: Tue, 08/24/10
Dear, from NHERI, How would you like to see some of your photos (or other images) used on the NHERI website? You can help NHERI in a simple and…
Published: Thu, 08/05/10
Dear, from NHERI: News from the State of North Carolina shows that the homeschool population more than doubled from the spring of 2000 to the spring…
Published: Thu, 07/22/10
Hello,, from NHERI. New research on college students who were home educated shows they are doing very well. Dr. Michael Cogan, director of the Office…
Published: Mon, 07/05/10
Hello,, from NHERI. I recently wrote you about the difference between "education" and "school." Schooling, I operationally defined, is the practice of…
Published: Fri, 06/04/10
Hello, from NHERI. It has been a while since you have heard from us. It has been a busy travel and conference season. During our travels we have had…
Published: Mon, 03/29/10
Dear, First of all, I want to say THANK YOU! Thank you for the response to our "Can you help NHREI?" message. We hope to have a new logo design in the…
Published: Fri, 03/19/10
Dear, NOTE: IMPORTANT MESSAGE BELOW! As you are aware NHERI has taken its first step in its "E treme Makeover" by changing our email management…