Dr. Ray thankful, CNN, special offer

Published: Wed, 11/24/10

Dear ,

We are, with your help, vigorously moving ahead here at the National Home Education Research Institute, while educating and influencing people across the nation and internationally. Please consider the following:

I am grateful that the NBC Today Show obtained information and perspective from us in September on home-based education, and interviewed me for stories they were producing.

I am thankful that Focus on the Family Citizen Magazine came to us for research and insight on education in September, and that they interviewed me for this.

We were glad to be able to help, gratis, a doctoral student, Marc, at the University of South Carolina in October.

I thank God that we got to help, gratis, another graduate student, Kendra, at the University of Southern Indiana to find needed research on homeschooling.

In November, we were able to give research information to a writer at the Herald Dispatch newspaper in Huntington, West Virginia; we are glad for this.

We provided (to a woman named Kathleen) research findings on institutionalized early childhood education and preschool and their lack of long-term benefits so that she could educate lawmakers in a southwest state about it; for this I am thankful.

I am grateful that we were able, last week, to help the leaders of a statewide homeschool organization in the south to analyze and evaluate research and testing information to help homeschool high school students receive fair treatment from universities regarding scholarships.

I am glad and thankful to report that we are in midst of several research projects.

I thank the Lord that CNN News came to us at NHERI for research and perspective on minority groups home educating their children.

And, by the way, you might want to watch this: A source at CNN News told me that two pieces on minorities homeschooling are going to air on CNN on December 3rd and December 10th in the 12:00pm Eastern Time hour on CNN Domestic.

I am thankful for you. For the very fact that you are reading this and perhaps praying for us, or considering how else to keep us doing our work that . . .

·        Executes essential research

·        Presents information from a biblical- and liberty-loving perspective

·        Convert critics

·        Gratifies grandparents

·        Satisfies seekers

·        Convinces courts

Please prayerfully and carefully consider how you personally, or your local or statewide homeschool organization, might help us.

Here is a special thank-you offer. We will send the following two books to anyone who sends a gift of $20 or more to NHERI. Just check the box on the enclosed form and tell us you would like them.

  • Men, you could get this for your wife to encourage and bolster her: Peace Within Your Borders: Devotions for Home School Teachers (book by Beth Sharpton, one-of-a-kind)
  • Women and men, maybe get this to put on your coffee table or have your children read:Worldwide Guide to Homeschooling: Facts and Stats on the Benefits of Home School(book by Dr. Brian Ray, no other like it)

The "NHERI Makeover" is moving along. Please visit, today, www.nheri2010.org  and be sure you are signed up on the e-mail list.

I am very thankful for your prayers, encouraging words, and monetary gifts. I am grateful that God allows us to work together on challenging tasks. You make it possible for us to do the research, educate policymakers and legislators, talk with the media, help parents find homeschool organizations in their state, and much more.

May the Lord of all good gifts richly bless you during this splendid season.


Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.

P.S. Be sure to visit www.nheri2010.org and get on our e-mail list.

NHERI is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization - contributions are tax-deductible.

Facts   Support  Encouragement

 A"Friend of NHERI" commits to supporting the ongoing work of NHERI by giving at least $5 per month for one year and will:

1. Receive Worldwide Guide to Homeschooling: Facts and Stats on the Benefits of Home School, Dr. Ray's newest book

2. Receive the journal Home School Researcher (HSR) to keep up on the facts, 4 issues.

3. Receive an online password to access all back issues of HSR and other research.

4. Receive news letters from Dr. Brian D. Ray, the home school researcher and a homeschool father of eight.

5. Be promoting and defending homeschooling locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally in the media, in courts, with policy makers, and with the general public.

I/we would like to be a "Friend of NHERI" and support NHERI's work with a monthly contribution of

$300   $100  $75   $50   $25   $10   $5       Other: amount $_____________

                        Enclosed Is A One-Time Contribution of $_____________
You may send your tax-deductible contributions these ways:
(a) Mail check and this form to: National Home Education Research Institute PO Box 13939  Salem, Oregon 97309
(b) go to nheri2010 and click on "donate" (Paypal) and send us an email telling us what you'd like us to send you.
(c) go to http://www.nheri.org/store/ and click on "contributions" near the top (credit cards) and send us an email telling us what you'd like us to send you.

If your one-time contribution is $20 or more, would like us to send you the following?

yes □   no □  Special offer: Peace Within Your Borders andWorldwide Guide to Homeschooling

If your one-time contribution or annual commitment is $120 or more and you would you like us to send you one of the following, please check which one (and if you are renewing, please request we send you something):

 yes □        no □    Worldwide Guide to Homeschooling: Facts and Stats on the Benefits of Home School(ret. $10.99)

 yes □        no □    Home Educated and Now Adults (full-length book on study of adults who were homeschooled; ret. $9.99)

phone (503) 364‑1490   fax (503) 364‑2827   mail@nheri.org