Can you help NHERI?

Published: Fri, 03/19/10

Dear ,


As you are aware NHERI has taken its first step in its "Extreme Makeover" by changing our email management system.

NHERI operates on a pretty tight budget and during this "Extreme Makeover" we are making every effort to benefit and utilize the homeschool community as we can.

At we have been asking for volunteers to help in many areas with the makeover and several have stepped forward....THANK YOU very much for your helping hand.

We need to redesign our logo and are looking for a graphic designer who would be willing to volunteer their time to help recreate the NHERI logo.

If you know anyone, or if you yourself are proficient in graphic design could you please CONTACT US!

Go to the following link (or just forward this email to someone you know):

In only a few short days, March 26 to be exact, we will need to decide whether to go to to have our logo redesigned. But, before we do that, we want to extend the offer to the community to see if anyone would enjoy the opportunity to help redesign the image of NHERI.

Thank you again for your support.

Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.
National Home Education Research Institute

P.S. In the coming weeks we will be sending you links to an exclusive interview I did where I discuss the history of NHERI, the status of homeschooling in the US and in the world, the "NHERI Extreme Makeover" and other topics.

So, stay tuned these important email messages and be sure to tell your family, friends, and colleagues about