Michelle Obama and the Cult of Expertism

Published: Tue, 10/28/14

Hello, , from NHERI and Dr. Ray.

This message will be very short, with just two main points. The first gives you some facts. The second asks you to be proactive.

Point #1

Did you know that the First Lady, Michelle Obama, encourages the cult of expertism? What some call the cult of professionalism. She holds that parents cannot properly take care of their own children.

She calls herself “… a Princeton and Harvard-educated professional woman …” who also attended public/government elementary school and high school. Mrs. Obama also recently said that – even with all her formal schooling – she “… doesn’t know how to adequately feed her kids …”[1]

Obama’s solution, like that of Hillary Clinton’s in her book, It Takes a Village, is for the government and experts to increasingly control children’s lives. That is, Obama contends that parents are just not intelligent or wise enough to do so.

All the while, hundreds of thousands of homeschool parents have been proving for over 30 years that non-certified, non-government-controlled, and free parents with just old-fashioned books, old-fashioned knowledge passed on from prior generations, or newfangled online technology can wisely and effectively give their children healthy diets.[2] And they can effectively teach them to read, write, and do arithmetic.[3]

Who should the people trust more, the government and its control or freedom for parents to make their own decisions for the children they love?

Point #2

Here is the second point. NHERI makes sure that you, the media, and academics know about research done on homeschooling. NHERI and its principals have been supporting homeschoolers and parents in general for 30 years. NHERI does research from a freedom-loving and biblical perspective.[4] NHERI gets research into the courts.

You can tangibly help NHERI do this. We need twelve – just 12 – faithful readers of these research messages to support the next twelve messages. Just twelve people to give $200 each.

That can be you. Your $200 sends a research message to families, the media, courts, and policymakers all across the United States, and all around the world!

   (Support research based on a sound worldview – donate to NHERI.)


--Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.
National Home Education Research Institute

P.S. We could really use your financial help right now. Will you be one of the twelve? Even if you cannot give $200 to put out one message, your donation – today – whether $5, $15, or $100, is very important. Thank you for considering this.

Two ways to help:
1. Send a check to: NHERI, PO Box 13939, Salem OR 97309 (using a check puts the largest percent of your gift to work at NHERI)
Donate online.

NHERI, PO Box 13939, Salem OR 97309, USA



[1] Michelle Obama: I couldn't feed my kids right–even with a Harvard degree; retrieved October 28, 2014 from http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/06/16/Michelle-Obama-I-Couldn-t-Feed-My-Kids-Right-Even-With-A-Harvard-Degree.

[2] For example: Cardel, Michelle; Willig, Amanda L.;  Dulin-Keita, Akilah; Casazza, Krista; Cherrington, Andrea; Gunnarsdottir, Thrudur; Johnson, Susan L.; Peters, John C.; Hill, James O. Hill; Allison, David B. Allison; Fernández, José R. (2013). Home-schooled children are thinner, leaner, and report better diets relative to traditionally schooled children. Obesity: A Research Journal, 21.

[3] Research facts on homeschooling, retrieved October 28, 2014 from http://www.nheri.org/research/research-facts-on-homeschooling.html.

[4] All researchers and think tanks have a perspective, worldview, or theoretical framework that guides and affects their research questions, findings, and interpretations.