Think Tank Needs You

Published: Fri, 12/26/14

Hello, , from NHERI and Dr. Ray.

Some people with an anti-homeschooling, anti-parental authority, or anti-biblical worldview will be quick to try to use this message against NHERI, you, and me.

They will say, “See, NHERI is biased.” But they will almost never admit their bias for State/public schooling. Their bias for the State/government approving all teachers and curriculum. For critical theory, neo-Marxism, LGBTQ theory (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer), feminist theory, statism, socialism, democratism, and many other worldviews that oppose scriptural truths, and/or U.S. constitutional thinking, and/or classical liberalism with a very limited State/government.

Furthermore, those who like to toss accusations of bias will not admit who pays their salaries. They get tax dollars. Taxes the State or other governments take from you pay their salaries at State/government/public universities, colleges, and K-12 schools. How can they claim they have no vested interest? No bias? No leaning? No tilt? Many of these folks make a living off public/State schooling and worldviews opposed to yours.

Okay, enough of that “negative stuff.” How about a little more proactive and positive reason to walk with NHERI?

The National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) and its principals have been serving the public, parents, the media, lawmakers, courts, and policymakers for over 30 years. NHERI serves homeschool parents. NHERI guides doctoral students and master’s students in their research.

NHERI helps the media and the general public understand homeschooling from a freedom-loving and scriptural perspective. NHERI knows homeschooling and homeschoolers, very deep down. Historically, pedagogically, and philosophically.

Whose voice do you want out there in 2015? NHERI’s, or the others’?

      "For the past two decades, it has been Dr. Brian Ray and NHERI that have professionally and patiently gathered the critical data which has convinced Idaho's legislature, as well as the Departments of Education and Health and Welfare, to honor homeschooling families."
     --- Barry Peters, Esq.
            President, Idaho Coalition of Home Educators

THANK YOU for your words of encouragement, prayers, and financial donations during the past eleven and one-half months! Very much!!

--Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.
National Home Education Research Institute

P.S. Your financial help at the end of this year, 2014, is very important. Your donation – whether $10, $20, or $100, is very important to NHERI doing its work. Thank you.

NHERI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible per law.

Two ways to help:
1. Send a check to: NHERI, PO Box 13939, Salem OR 97309 (using a check puts the largest percent of your gift to work at NHERI)

NHERI, PO Box 13939, Salem OR 97309, USA


[1] Every person, whether a researcher, journalist, academic, policymaker, judge, carpenter, or nurse, has a worldview or weltanschauung. Examples of worldviews are atheism, Buddhism, Christianity/scripturalism, communitarianism, critical theory, Islam, metaphysical naturalism, Mormonism, queer theory, Roman Catholicism, scientism, socialism, and statism.