African Americans Should Not Homeschool?

Published: Fri, 03/16/12

Hello, , from NHERI.

One professor has firmly opposed African Americans homeschooling their children. Writing of blacks home educating, majorities, social movements, white conservatives, and more, he claimed, "Individualized atomistic decisions to school one's child at home--while thoroughly understandable--cannot build momentum for the large scale transformations that are necessary." (note 1)

One must wonder: "Is this true? Does not doing well for many families' children of color do well for all of society?"

Other academics continue to alleged that research has shown the public and policymakers almost nothing about the effects of homeschooling. (note 2)

The National Home Education Research Institute and I are glad to announce that a study is underway - of African American homeschooling and public schooling children and families - to help address the claims of critics of homeschooling and advocates of government control of private education such as those mentioned above, and to allow all blacks and others to see the evidence for themselves.


This study will offer sound, scholarly evidence.

NHERI would like your help in any or all of three areas:

  • If you are an African American single parent or couple with an African American child between the ages of 9-14 who has been homeschooled all or most of his or her school years, please contact NHERI by e-mailing to participate in the study.
  • If you know of an African American family who has a child either homeschooled or in public school who may want to participate, please ask them to contact NHERI by e-mailing
  • Please consider making a donation to support NHERI's research on this unique, landmark study. Any amount - $10, $25, $100 - will help. Thank you!

This study is considered solid in design, important, and pioneering by organizations and individuals such as National Black Home Educators (NBHE), the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), and state- and private-university professors.

Please immediately forward this entire message to anyone you know who might be able to help with this study.

Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.
National Home Education Research Institute
P.S. Please feel free to send us your questions about homeschooling and we will try to answer them in upcoming messages.

If you would like to tangibly support our work reporting on think tanks, professors at university schools of education, court decisions, doing research, collecting research, disseminating research, and helping homeschool families around the world, please see "Two ways to help" below.

Two ways to help:
1. Send a check to: NHERI, PO Box 13939, Salem OR 97309 (using a check puts the largest percent of your gift to work at NHERI)
2. Donate online.

NHERI, PO Box 13939, Salem OR 97309, USA

1. Apple, Michael W. (2006, December 21). The complexities of black home schooling. From Retrieved first paragraph 5/25/07 online

2. For example: Reich, Rob. (2005). Why home schooling should be regulated. In Bruce S. Cooper (Ed.), (2005), Homeschooling in full view: A reader. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, pp. 115 & 117.