Parents want to know: Why should we homeschool, or not?
Journalists and policymakers (and grandparents) want to know: Does homeschooling work?
Homeschool organizations and lawyers need facts and statistics to honestly present and protect homeschool freedoms and parental rights.
Homeschool parents, we need your help, now.
There’s a bunch of research out there on homeschooling, but the last big study addressing academic achievement is over 13 years old! It’s time for new data – new facts and figures – and we need your help.
If you gave your homeschooled child an academic achievement test during 2023 and just want to get started being a part of this important study, click survey now. No personally identifiable information will be collected.
NHERI’s and Dr. Brian Ray’s effort, “… on their own, to come up with the research on the Turpin-related case info was critical in the victory the homeschoolers achieved over the bad legislation that was proposed. Not only has this helped in California, but we will use it in other similar fact situations, ...” – Mike Smith, former president, HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense
New data and facts are needed all the time to serve families, scholars, policymakers, and the media. To be a part, click survey now.
Parents who participate and request a copy of the study will also be put into a drawing to win a signed copy of Doctor Ray’s now-classic book, Home Educated and Now Adults: Their Community and Civic Involvement, Views About Homeschooling, and Other Traits. (Five copies will be given away.)
“… careful analysis and scholarly approach has been a real asset to cases I’ve litigated over the years. There were many cases I wouldn’t have won without Dr. Ray’s and NHERI’s ...” research. — Mike Farris, co-founder, Home School Legal Defense Association, HSLDA, and former CEO and General Counsel, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF)
Who endorses this study?
- 32 statewide
homeschool organizations
- The Alliance (The National Alliance of Christian Home Education Leadership)
- NHERI – The
National Home Education Research Institute is a trusted and long-withstanding leading research group that has served state organizations across the nation, homeschool families, scholars, the media, courts, policymakers, and the general public for over 30 years (
If you gave your homeschooled child an academic achievement test during
2023 and just want to get started being a part of this important study, click survey
now. No personally identifiable information will be collected.
--Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.
National Home Education Research Institute