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Empirical evidence helps us humans
make decisions. Values and presuppositions drive how we use evidence to make decisions.
Thousands of years of human history have shown that parent-led home-based education gave us
butchers, bakers, candlestick makers, businessmen and women, artists, inventors, writers, pyramids, and automobiles. But by 1900, many people had forgotten that. Institutional schooling dominated and became the norm, and we know that a fish does not know what it is like to not live in water.
Forty years ago, there was almost no empirical research on home-based education, what is now called homeschooling. Most people had forgotten what it was like to engage in parent-led home education. Professional educators doubted, even scoffed at it.
But homeschooling began to re-emerge, then exploded like a torrent. And parents want sound information to make schooling choices. Policymakers want empirical evidence to craft sensible rules and regulations. Educators want facts and figures to help improve their practices. All of them have been informed by
homeschool research. That is where the journal Home School Researcher (HSR) and the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) enter the picture.
“NHERI is the go-to resource I recommend as the first and best source of dependable, accurate information on homeschooling.” — Gregory J. Cizek, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Educational Measurement and Evaluation, University of North Carolina at Chapel
The peer-reviewed journal HSR was founded in 1985, 37 years ago. It has served many, many scholars, parents, policymakers, and educators. NHERI was founded 32 years ago. There is
no other journal like HSR and no other research think tank like NHERI. Whether you agree or not with the values and presuppositions that drive the folks here at NHERI, millions of people – scholars, parents, policymakers, judges, journalists, and educators – around the globe have been served by NHERI’s leading work across 32 years.
Please consider a generous donation to NHERI this week, or on Giving Tuesday (November 29). Contributions to the non-profit 501(c)(3) NHERI are tax deductible. Your donations go a long way. We do not work off tax dollars. We are privately funded. Might you give $10, $25, $100, or more today?
This #GivingTuesday, November 29, we hope that you will choose to donate to NHERI so that over the next 32 years even more scholars, policymakers, educators, journalists, and parents can get the facts, figures,
and statistics that they need.
With Thankfulness,
Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.
President, National Home Education Research Institute,
Editor-in-Chief, Home School Researcher